Allow me to introduce my newest friend, The Urban Grape. A couple of weeks ago I received a warm email from co-owner, Hadley Douglas inviting me, a local blogger, to their 'Media Day" at their new wine store. Always up for a new discovery, I marked my calendar for the event after conducting a little research on their website and blog. I wanted to know more about what kind of future we might have.....
I'll admit, I was a little suspicious going into to this. After a fairly disappointing experience with other local wine stores, I was not entirely hopeful that yet another wine boutique might meet the needs of me, my friends, or Brookline.
And new relationships can be a little overwhelming, maybe a little unsettling....not sure how much one might have in common, how opinionated, or agreeable...
...but this one is a keeper.
Located conveniently on Boylston Street in Chestnut Hill, I am happy to get in my car and drive the easy 3 miles for a 'date' to check out the latest selection out of their 850 bottles of wine.
The interior is all shiny and new. In fact, the clean lines, organized, and efficient interior might beg for a chilly reception one would find in NYC or any other large city but to the contrary, the greeting I received and conversation that followed with both owners and staff could not have been more congenial, warm, and intimate.
Owners TJ and Hadley Douglas (TJ on the far right, Hadley on the far left) have really done their homework and have created an outstanding environment for sampling and purchasing wine.
I. did. not. want. to. leave.
Add to that, they have a healthy selection of spirits and craft beers (including the ever elusive Saison from St-Feuillien). Staff is available and informed. The whole experience is one I look forward to having again and again.
Expect to hear more about this friend...I'm sure I'll have loads to say about our future together.

7 Boylston Street Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 | 617.232.4831
Karen, thanks again for coming into The Urban Grape yesterday. It was such a pleasure showing you through the store and speaking with you about life, kids, wine and so much more. We look forward to seeing you again soon and are so happy to be a part of the Brookline/Chestnut Hill/Newton community.
Best, Hadley and TJ Douglas, The Urban Grape
I'm so glad I found your beautiful blog via The Urban Grape blog! I hope to have a chance to meet you over some wine perhaps :)
Hadley-it was my pleasure and rest assured, you will see me again (and again...and again).
And Meghan-Oh, I do hope to meet up with you. We have very similar interests...and I now have another bookmarked blog added to my list! I'm just getting started with www.traveleatlove...and can't wait to read more!
GREAT logo to match a great looking spot.
btw, love the redesign over here.
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