Scott has such spooky-weird (and record good) luck with all those random drawings one may see around for free stuff. The man must put his business card in every fishbowl he sees.
For instance, over the years he's won the following:
Aeron Chair for our home office

Half a case of wine

2 bottles of Laurent-Perrier

Garmin StreetPilot (GPS thingamajiggee that I'm selling on eBay since you can't possibly use one of these things in former-cattle-paths-ye-olde-boston and I think I could get maybe $150 for it)
Free yoga classes from a local yogi

$125 from the 2007 Final Four NCAA Basketball tournement

and today he apparently won a gift basket from Starbuck's....

but the man refuses to join the drifters and vagabonds that loiter our street corner with their scratch tickets and enter the lottery....
d-yam. i never win this stuff. that chair is making me jealous.
Way to go Scott! I need luck like that, I never win anything. That won't make me stop trying!
Hope you are staying warm!
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