Many thanks to all the greeting card companies we've got ourselves this one day in the whole, entire year that's earmarked for big red hearts....what we love, why we love, how we love and who we love....hearts and love. Love and hearts.
I love my family and my friends beyond words but on a more shallow level I also covet many things. Things that make my smile or feel good that are already in my possession....things that I know I can't take with me when that final day comes but until then, j'adore ces choses:
What I {heart}:

Hable Construction

A well-made cocktail

Dosa apparel
Christina Lehr t's

Frye boots

Calypso - Christiane Celle

Utility Canvas wrap dress

Food & Wine mags

Molten Brown shower goo

Fromager d'Affinois (no bite or bitter Brie flavor, just creamy goodness)
Television. Specifically: Anthony Bourdain, Project Runway, Flight of the Conchords, Real Time with Bill Maher, and The Daily Show
Angela Adams rugs

Melissa Joy Manning jewelry

Stewart + Brown organics

and my kid's bum
LOVED this list! And the sweet bum made me smile.
mannakin pis?
Ha! funny....if only my son had turned around. Instant mannekin pis in real-life form!
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