"We're donating all proceeds from the sale of this tee to the Gulf Restoration Network, a 15 year old environmental non-profit organization committed to uniting and empowering people to protect and restore the natural resources of the Gulf Region for future generations. They're the only environmental organization working Gulf-wide, and since the first days of BP's oil drilling disaster, they've provided independent monitoring and advocacy focused on holding BP accountable and ensuring an effective and transparent response to the crisis. Take action, stay informed, and donate to these efforts here."
"We know "PeliCAN" can only make a small dent in the aid that goes to the Gulf Coast area, but we also hope it will keep public focus on one of the biggest ecological disasters of our time, and inspire others to help too. The printing of this tee was generously donated by local friends Sharprint, who used a water-based ink to print "PeliCAN." Both Ross and Frederik have donated their standard designer payment to the cause as well."
Threadless works with artists from around the world to produce amazing t-shirt designs.
I definitely want to get one of these! Great design for a great cause.
Thanks for sharing this Karen. I'm digging your blog!
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