
The Best Hand

image from ACL

I grew up in a family of card players.  My parents played Bridge.  And I play a mean hand of Gin Rummy.  I almost always win.  Draw, knock, or discard - I'm a master at forming melds and can identify what deadwood to eliminate without the blink of an eye.  Except when I play my 12 year old daughter.  But that doesn't count because she's just a helpless kid.

And she probably cheats.

I'm also pretty good at Hearts.  And Spades.  Spit.  What else.....oh, Pounce.  I'm really good at Pounce.  And Solitaire.  Well, I kick ass at Solitaire.  Even the incredibly difficult-impossible to win games of Solitaire.  Can't recall the names, but I win.  All of them.  Always.

I also know how to shuffle without spraying cards everywhere.  I know basic card etiquette - because of my uber-polite Grandmother.  I know how to 'breast my cards'.

But card games aside, I've always sorta marveled at Bicycle Cards.  Your standard deck, cheap, and plastic.  Always with some weird pagan-like design.  I know there is an endless amount of information on cards, the history of cards, games, terminology, etc.  Me - I'm more into the feel of a deck and how I might kill at Go Fish.

This stunning deck is From the United States Playing Card Company.  Made in the USA.
Commemorating the 125th anniversary, the Bicycle 125's feature a "distinctive, vintage aesthetic and metallic foil on the box.

- And the deck that will no doubt make me the 'Champion of the Universe' of all card games.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love playing cards! Although I'm not the Master of the Universe at cards, I am gonna grab this deck. Gorgeous thanks for sharing!

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